Saturday, January 15, 2011

Practicing What You Preach

As I got ready to come back to work after having my baby girl, I wanted to do something to bring her into the library with me.  I've been growing her own little library at home, and I was most excited to start checking out books from our school library to read with her.  That's when I came up with this idea: to share what books I'm reading at home with my little girl.

At first, when you are reading to a newborn, it seems a little silly, but a couple of recent articles in School Library Journal have shown it to be a very important part of language development.  Not only that, language development is directly related to literacy and a child's own ability to read later down the road.  Babies start learning to read the day that they're born!

I love recommending books to kids and being an advocate for reading what you love.  I also want to share the importance of giving kids positive experiences with books: I try to do this as kids visit the library during the week, and I hope that you will try to find opportunities to share books with kids as well!  So here you'll find Ellie's recommended reading, and maybe a few musings on library-related things.  Happy Reading!

Check out these articles about reading with babies and early literacy!

The Amazing Brain

It's Never Too Early...

The Duchess of Whimsy

This one is on the Bluebonnet list for 2011-2012; Ellie likes Bluebonnet books too!  She's starting early; only 19 more of the new Bluebonnets to go.

Shark Vs. Train

Who is more awesome: Shark or Train?!  Train wins on the see-saw, but Shark wins in the hot-air balloon.  Who is the most awesome???  
(Ellie thinks it's Shark).

Pirates Don't Change Diapers